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WILLIAM & MARY LAW SCHOOL - Williamsburg, Virginia

OCI / Job Posting

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OCI registration opens 03/01/2024

OCI requests accepted by

OCI requests accepted by Mail
Email to: [email protected]
Online, URL:
Email beginning date 03/01/2024
Mail beginning date 03/01/2024
Phone beginning date 03/01/2024
Online beginning date 03/01/2024

Please specify any changes in OCI procedures or policies that will be in effect for the first time during 2023
Summer 2024 OCI's and Interview Programs will be held virtually. Fall 2024 OCI's and Interview Programs will be a combination of virtual and in person.

OCI date assignment procedure

OCI date assignment procedure First come first served


OCI Fee? Virtual interview schedules are offered at no cost
OCI date confirmation will be sent to employers

If requested our school will coordinate with
We will coordinate interviewing dates with any Virginia school.

Required Employer Forms
Data form including firm/organization and contact information; offices for which candidates are sought; position title, type, term and description; types of students sought (e.g. 1L, 2L); materials to be submitted by applicants; and preferred interview dates and format.

OCI Date Details

OCI Interview Periods For Summer/Fall 2024: July 23-25; July 30-31; August 20-22; September 4-5; September 17-19; October 1-3; and October 22-24

Callback period for 2L summer positions

Is video conferencing available? Yes

William & Mary can facilitate interviews through Flo Recruit. For additional information or to schedule virtual interviews, please contact the Recruiting Program Administrator.

Are employers permitted to prescreen? Yes


OCI Drop date
Date student materials sent to employer
Date interview schedule sent to employer


Postage/express mail fee

Resume drop starts approximately three weeks before the interviewing date; resumes are sent at least 2.5 weeks before the interview date; schedules will be available in Symplicity and sent by email at least 2 days before the interview date.

Do you provide resume collection or direct mail option for employers not participating in OCI? Yes
Are all OCI conducted in campus buildings? Yes

If you organize or participate in either cooperative or off-campus interview programs, please list applicable information about participating schools, dates, interview locations, program coordinator/telephone, pre-screening or other selection process, and registration fees.
Cooperative/Consortia Interview Programs (please contact our Recruiting Program Administrator for additional information about any of these programs): Northeast/New York Interview Program, held virtually each July/August (August 2, 2024) in a consortium with Washington and Lee. New England Interview Program, held virtually each August (August 9, 2024) with a consortium including Case Western, Emory, Arizona State, University of Illinois, University of Richmond, Wake Forest,and Washington and Lee and William & Mary. Government and Public Interest Interview Program, held virtually each February (February 9, 2024) with a consortium including the University of Richmond and Washington and Lee. Spring Interview Program, held virtually each March (March 23, 2024) with a consortium including the University of Richmond, Washington and Lee, and the University of Virginia. Our students may be eligible to participate in interview programs sponsored by other schools or organizations each year, including: - Loyola Patent Law Interview Program (each August in Chicago, Illinois) - Equal Justice Works Job Fair (each October in the Washington, D.C. area) - San Francisco Intellectual Property Association Job Fair (each August in San Francisco, California) - Southeastern Intellectual Property Job Fair (each July in Atlanta, Georgia).

Our students may be eligible to participate in these diversity-based interview programs: - Progress in the Profession: a summer interview program (Atlanta, Georgia) - Boston Lawyers Group - Annual Diversity Fair (Boston, Massachusetts) - CLIs Resume Collect for Diverse Law Students (Denver, CO) - Cook County Bar Association Minority Law Student Job Fair (Chicago, Illinois) - Rocky Mountain Diversity Legal Career Fair (Denver, Colorado) - IndyBar Diversity Job Fair (Indianapolis, Indiana) - Heartland Diversity Legal Job Fair (Kansas City, Missouri) - Minnesota Minority Recruitment Conference (Minneapolis, Minnesota) - LGBT Bar Association -- Lavender Law Career Fair (location rotates nationally) - Bay Area Diversity Career Fair (San Francisco, California) - National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair (location rotates nationally) - St. Louis Diversity Job Fair (St. Louis, Missouri) - Hispanic National Bar Association Job Fair (location rotates nationally) - Tri-State Diversity Job Fair (Cincinnati, OH) - Delaware Diversity Job Fair (Wilmington, Delaware) - National Bar Association Job Fair (location rotates nationally)- National Black Law Students Association Northeast Job Fair (New York, NY)

For Employers who do not interview students on-campus, will you:

send, upon request, one package containing resumes/transcripts? Yes
post a notice directing students to apply directly to employer? Yes

If you provide job listings for graduates, describe how to send notice, when employers can expect responses, length of time notice is posted (whether in print or online), etc.
William & Mary posts job listings for students and graduates online at no charge to employers. We request a position description and application instructions. To list your positions contact us by phone, email to [email protected]; or go online to Employers can also register for a William & Mary Symplicity account at

FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Describe any special regulations pertaining to the recruitment of first year students. For example, are first year students eligible for spring OCI? When are job notices posted during second semester?
We subscribe to the NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process and Standards. We will post job notices for first-year students starting on October 1; on-campus interviews for first-year students begin in early February.

Recruiting Policy Information

Does your law school have a recruiting policy? Yes
If yes, does this policy apply to All employers
Link to policy
Do you provide guidelines or a specific requirement regarding the number of days a student should have to respond to an offer? Guidelines
Minimum number of days a student should have to respond
Is there a maximum number of employment offers a student may hold open at any one time? Yes
Maximum number of offers that can be held open 5
Is there a specific date before which employers should not initiate formal one-on-one recruiting contact with first-year students? No
Recruiting policy comments/explanation